Originally posted February 16, 2013. January and February are winter scenes at the Dryhead Ranch. …

Join us for a Ranch Week!
Originally posted March 6, 2012.
We are all looking forward to the beginning of the 2012 season. We were into the ranch on Saturday to show our new cook where she would be working and what the ranch looked like. It was not the best impression, as it was covered with snow and Jess and Jake got stuck looking for horses, but we had a great time. We are ready to “throw our hats into the air” looking forward to spring and having all of you come and join us.
My grandaughters, Maddy and Cassidy and my good friend, Debbie, loved looking and petting the goats and the new babies that are at the neighbors. This is a sign of early spring when the baby goats and sheep and calves begin to show up in all of the fields close to home. Jake and Will are calving and checking for calves every two hours all day and all night long. They aren’t getting much sleep and they struggle with the cold nights but we are getting close to getting all of the calves born. After they get them born then they tag them with the same numbers as the mother cow has and then turn them out in larger pastures to grow. Anyone want to come for a week of calving?
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