Iris Bassett
Owner & Guest Communications
Iris is the voice you hear on the Dryhead Ranch phone when you call to ask about what the Dryhead Ranch offers on a cattle drive in Montana. She is also the person on the other end of all the emails while you plan your cattle drive vacation. She is our mother, grandmother, boss, example, and leader/hero.

Jennifer Cerroni
Ranch Manager
Jennifer greets you at the airport and coordinates the comings and goings at the ranch. Jen can do it all but moves in and out of all aspects of the guest ranch needs. The ranch is her office and the guests her mission statement. To put a smile on everyone’s face makes her week.

Jake & Jessie Hahn
Head Cowboy
They work more as a family than a team. Their four kids- Maddy, Cassidy, Howdy, and James bring a happy and busy mixture to all of our lives and to the lives of our visiting guests. The kids join in the fun and ride several times a week trailing cattle, horses or just having a friendly conversation with the rider next to them. They give hope and joy to all of us. Jake manages our cows, horses, cowboys, guests, and Montana cattle drives, and Jessie manages him.

Kristen Cerroni Grant
Cowgirl/Office Help
Kristen Grant is Jennifer’s daughter. She is the voice on the phone when you call the Dryhead Office. Kristen is your voice of friendship and helps you pick the week that best fits your hopes for a wonderful horseback experience. You will also hear Aspen in the background who is her constant 1 year old helper. Kristen is married to Braden and we see him riding with the cowboys once in a while at the ranch. Kristen is also Jennifer’s personal assistant and problem solver behind the scenes in our efforts to keep track of every person coming to be with us for an unforgettable Dryhead experience.

Donna Lee

Matthew Duke
Matthew joined us 3 years ago and has been Jake’s right hand cowboy since. He is quiet but very talented in his cowboy career. He breaks and rides his own horses along with almost all of ours. He is great with working cows and helping guests have a wonderful cowboy experience. The kids love his fun personality as do the guests.

Gary Smith
Cattle Drive Help
Gary comes spring and fall to ride with us on our cattle drives and horse drives. He helps Jake take care of the saddles, horses, and our guests. He is priceless help when it is needed most.

Treena Croft
Cleaning & Maintenance
Treena is Jennifer’s step-daughter. She is our cleaning and maintenance helper and helping everywhere needed.
Book Your Guest Ranch Vacation Today! (307)-548-6688