We are a fourth generation family owned Working Ranch Vacation. Most of our hired hands are family and then we have added some wonderful hard working cowboys and cooks through the years. Our updated family, who work at the ranch have grown in the past 5 years as children have been added and our mother who still leads and guide the ranch operation at 93. It is not easily noticed but our team of cowboys and cowgirls are awake and working long before the breakfast bell rings.
Ranch work is seldom done and when asked, if our guests truly do help us, our answer is always, yes! You do your own dishes, you saddle your own horse, you gather and work cows right along with us and work hard to move them wherever we are going, you brand with us and wean with us. Each guest becomes an important member of our working ranch team and a good friend and honorary part of our family after you leave.
Jennifer and Kristen pick up at the airport or hotel on Sunday afternoon at 4:00. We arrive at the ranch by 7:30 that evening to greet the cook and eat supper. Monday morning is always a thrill as we gather for breakfast at 7:00 to get our first breathtaking look at the ranch headquarters and watch the horses come into the corral with the sunrise and dust billowing up to make your first pictures the best. We have a quick orientation meeting and then out to meet Jake and Jess at the corrals while they pick horses for each of our guests.
Patience and teaching take a bit longer on Monday morning than they will the rest of the week. They will share how to saddle, bridle, and get set for the day. You will ride several horses during the week, the cowboys are ready and willing to answer any questions about your horse or how to ride. Every day we ride 6-8 hours a day. Cattle drive and horse drive mornings are different as we will begin at the corral where the cattle and horses are waiting for us to start down the trail.
Our amazing cook is up early and the breakfast bell rings at 7:00. Coffee, of course, is earlier. Breakfast is a big part of the day and starts your energy level to make the rest of the day better. Not to mention all the fun that is shared in the dining room each morning with everyone gathering for the day.
Our cook strives to accommodate everyone’s special diets: gluten free, vegetarian, diabetic issues, no nuts, no onions, no milk. We try. But you have to give us a heads up on your reservation sheet, so we can be prepared.
We have homemade cookies and snacks to take with you when you ride and on the cattle drives and horse drives we bring a lunch to you on the trail. Dinner time is a coming together of the day and listening to the best ever stories of the days events is what keeps us working hard to give you the “bucket list dreams” you came to experience.
One of the best thrills for each of our guests is the partnership you will make with your horse. These are not dude ranch horses. These are ranch raised and trained cow horses, who will watch a cow and take care of you, so you can experience the thrill of being a cowboy. These horses have the same “watch a cow” training as the horses our cowboys ride.
Our cowboys ride these “guest horses” as well as their own string of horses so that they will work for you the same as their horses work for them. Few ranches offer that kind of horse experience. Another reason we are the best real working ranch in the business.
Many people ask about weeks when kids will be at the ranch. We tell them openly that we are a family ranch and we have kids. Four of them. To some that makes a difference and to most they find these ranch kids amazing. They make the energy of the ranch vacation raise up several notches.
Jake and Jess’s kids are excellent riders and they will ride with you most of the time. Guest kids who have come to ride find the kids friendly and fun and many emails and letters are shared in the off season. They are fun entertainment around the yard when riding days are finished. YouTube has several videos of them riding ponies in the yard and roping calves at branding time. They will make you smile. You will love them.
Come be part of our Working Ranch Vacation Family.