Originally posted February 16, 2013. January and February are winter scenes at the Dryhead Ranch. …

Guest Season Has Begun!
Originally published May 25, 2010.
We began our 2010 guest season on April 11-17, 2010 with our famous Horse Drive. This spring we trailed our horse cavvy from our homeplace in Lovell to the Dryhead Ranch in Montana. We had been feeding the geldings and getting the necessary coggins and health and brand inspections needed to trail between Montana and Wyoming.
It was an exciting three days and the horses were ready to be back at the ranch and out on open range. We had two returns back with us, Pat Crociata and Lawrence Smoller and two new guests, Mario Sclafani and Amy McElmurray. It was a great week and the two days at the ranch gave us time to look for the 9 horses that we could not find in February and get the electric fence fixed so we could put our horses on the best grass.
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